Reinforcement Learning for Flexible back Quadruped Learning gaits using RL for a self designed quadruped Swarm implementation to emulate a crowd Multi Actor Systems Dynamic Obstacles for Powered Wheelchair Single actor system Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped Weaving poles using a Unitree Go1 Bot-ROS Pointilism painting robot EKF SLAM Implementing SLAM on Turtlebot3-burger Physics Simulator from Scratch Simulating physics of a Trebchet and Jack in the Box Visual Odometry on KITTI Dataset visual odometry setup on the Kitti dataset on python Kuka Youbot Simulation Coppeliasim using MATLAB and feedforward + PI control AI-Bot AI bot for Covid-19 Temperature Cycler An IOT temperature cycler for Glass Testing Miniature Thermocycler Thermocycler for a miniature PCR testing device